Introduction to the Types of Carbon Dioxide Lasers


Author: Correct Pack -Laser Marking Machine Manufacturer

There are many kinds of carbon dioxide lasers, the structure is roughly the same, the specific difference is not big, and they are widely used. They are called non-metallic laser marking machines and marking machines, which can be controlled by a control card computer to mark pictures and text on products at will. Classification of carbon dioxide lasers: 1. Longitudinal closed lasers 2. Longitudinal flow lasers 3. Lateral flow lasers 4. Transverse excitation verbs (abbreviations of verb) of high-voltage lasers RF excitation lasers intransitive verb waveguide co2 lasers 7. Pneumatic lasers Longitudinal closed lasers belong to The structure of the water-cooled laser includes a power supply, a concave mirror, an electrode, a water inlet, a gas return pipe, a gas storage pipe, a water-cooled jacket, a discharge capillary, a water outlet, an electrode and a plane mirror. The details are as follows: Longitudinal flow laser belongs to air-cooled laser, and its structure includes power supply, air inlet, cooling fan, air flow, discharge area, heat exchanger and laser light source. Horizontal excitation high-voltage CO2 laser: plane mirror, electron gun window, electron gun cathode, electron gun electrode lead, electron gun anode, laser cathode, electron gun, laser concave mirror, laser light source. Waveguide co2 laser structure: air inlet, anode, cooling water, gas outlet, cathode, reflector, water inlet, waveguide, water outlet, gold-plated reflector. RF excitation laser structure: total reflection mirror, cooling water inlet and outlet, folding mirror, outer electrode, coaxial discharge structure, inner electrode, output mirror and output window. The structures of the seven carbon dioxide lasers are roughly as above, and we can see that they are roughly the same in some accessories.

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